Thank you for referring your patient to Myomo

Myomo’s products improve arm and hand function for those suffering from upper-limb weakness. Myomo develops and markets the MyoPro product line. MyoPro is a myoelectric powered upper-limb orthosis designed to regain function to the paralyzed arms of certain patients suffering from CVA stroke, brachial plexus injury, traumatic brain or spinal cord injury, or other neuromuscular disease or injury.

Our goal is to share knowledge with therapists on our innovative technology that is making an impact in healthcare and demonstrate that there is a role for rehab in health tech. We hope to encourage therapists and physicians to adopt health technology in their practice.

Please reach out to Mel Carver, with any questions or requests for additional information about the MyoPro.

Mel Carver, CO, LO, MSIE

Regional Manager


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